Giving for the sake of His Name

For the Sake of HIs Name 2-Year Discipleship Journey

Over the next two years, we are walking through a journey called For the Sake of His Name (Romans 1:5-6). Our goal is that 100% of us would ask ourselves: “What would it look like to live my whole life in obedience to Christ for the sake of His Name?”

Best Way to Give

The best way to give is online through Foothill Church Center. Click the Give Online button to set up recurring giving, or give a one time gift. We encourage you to use these tools to help you stay faithful in your giving. However, we do pay processing fees, which can really add up when multiplied by larger amounts and over hundreds of gifts a month.

We encourage our givers to give directly through their bank account.

Why We Give

Opportunities for charity are everywhere, and there are plenty of credible places to give. In fact, you might think Foothill Church is just another one of them. To us, one thing is different. Our giving isn’t about charity.

It's about worship.

God instructs us, through the Bible, to give regularly, generously and sacrificially out of all that He gives us—all as part of our worship of Him. What an appropriate response to who He is and all He has done…an expression of gratitude, obedience, and reverence.

But, why give money to the church? Because it’s the right thing to do? It’s a good tax write-off? God needs it? The church expects it?

Proverbs 3:5 “Honor the the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all all your produce.”

To put it simply, it's what God says to do.

Not because God needs what we have. But because we need to give it. What we do with what we have directs our heart. Giving to God reminds us that He has given us everything we have and can be counted on to meet every need we will ever have. And The Church is His plan, through Jesus, to reconcile the world to Himself. To bring healing through relationships, to support one another and encourage one another. So we give, to advance the gospel through His ministry.

Malachi 3:10 “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.”

Other Ways to Give


Text any dollar amount to 84321. After a quick guided setup, you’ll be able to simply text your dollar amount to the number for future gifts.


At church on Sunday, place your envelope in the offering bucket or in the black box in the lobby. Offering envelopes are available in the seat backs and in the lobby at the black box.


To donate stock, please send an email to for account information. We’ll be in contact with next steps.

For Covenant Partners who have questions or would like additional information, please email Jon White at

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7

Foothill Church is ECFA Accredited