Kids Weekly for K–5th Hey Parents! We are so glad your kiddo joined us this weekend in Foothill Kids. Our Bible Truth for today was “God’s Grace and...
Kids Weekly for Preschool 4&5’s Hey Parents! We are so glad your preschooler joined us this weekend in Foothill Kids! We learned our Foundational Truth: God Made...
Kids Weekly for Toddlers & Preschool 3’s Hey Parents! We are so glad your toddler/preschooler joined us this weekend in Foothill Kids! We learned our Foundational Truth: God Is...
Kids Weekly for Infants Hey Parents! Focus on praying this verse over your child: Isaiah 41:10 fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your...
Wise Up Every parent wants to see their children make good choices, grow in wisdom, and learn how to live a God-honoring life. But Christian...
Foothill Kids Classroom Bibles Purchase for your home the resources we use to develop curriculum and utilize in class.
Succeeding in Scripture Memorization There are so many creative ways to help your child memorize scripture! Michelle Lewis is here to encourage you to use the many resources...
The Unspoken Sin in Motherhood “Does God really know what’s best for my child?” New and veteran mothers can attest that being a mom can be hard, especially when you...