REACHING for the sake of His Name

“Missions exists because worship doesn’t.” We want to see more people both here and around the world become zealously missional disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus. Real discipleship pushes us out into the world. Paul says he was called to bring about the obedience of faith among all the nations—everyone who does not yet know Jesus Christ. And so are we. Each of us knows someone that needs the gospel. Our task is not finished as long as there is One More.

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Church Planting

We’ve set a goal of becoming key partners with an additional 20 church plants (10 domestic and 10 international) by 2034.


We’ll continue to support Bob & April Pope in Mexico. We’re also believing that by 2034, God will send 20 missionaries from Foothill Church to the ends of the earth. People young and old who will cash their lives in for the sake of His Name! Finally, we will begin taking teams to Mexico to work with the Popes and to Europe to work with our European church planters in Ireland, Paris, and Scotland.


We will seek the welfare of our city through local partnerships and other outreach events so that One More continues to be reached for the sake of His Name.

House of Refuge

We are a House of Refuge that will work to support crisis pregnancy centers, like Foothills Pregnancy Resource Center, financially and in service and to be a safe place for those with unplanned pregnancies and those scarred by abortion.

Special Needs

We will begin building a special needs ministry that rolls out the red carpet for special-needs kids and their families.

Foothill en Español

We will begin translating our sermons into Spanish to provide gospel-centered resources to our growing Hispanic population and their non-English speaking family and friends.