God Pleased: Living by Faith…For the Sake of His Name
November 25, 2024
What would it look like to live my whole life in obedience to Christ, for the sake of His Name?
That might be the most important question you ever ask…if you’re prepared for the answer!
Often, we don’t ask those questions because we fear the answer. Yet the Bible says that God only gives good gifts to His children (Luke 11:9-13). Most of us can’t imagine what God might do if we would entrust ourselves to Him like that.
When we live for the sake of His Name we’re living with Christ as our highest priority. We’re reordering our lives around the Name above all names. Because one day every knee will bow before that Name. When we live like that, we’re lining ourselves up with the trajectory of the universe!
My prayer over the next two years is that all of us will take tangible steps in living “for the sake of His Name” rather than for our own or some lesser name. Where every person can find ways of putting that question into practice in their families, marriages, neighborhoods, and through the ministries of Foothill Church. And I pray we will lay everything we have—time, talent and treasure—at the feet of Jesus to use for His glory and our good.
This booklet provides an overview of a two-year discipleship journey that God is placing before all of us. This isn’t a building program…at least not the kind with brick and mortar. It’s an invitation to build our lives on something more than things that will pass away. To lay up treasure in heaven and see what God might do on earth.
Are you ready to ask that question with me? Are you ready to take a risk? Are you ready to listen to Jesus and then do whatever He tells you to do?
Are you ready to live for the sake of His Name?
I promise, you’ll never regret it!
With great anticipation,
That 100% of us would ask ourselves:
That 100% of us would help reach the goal of:
Over the next two years we will use those funds to accomplish three gospel-centered initiatives: Growing, Reaching, and Building for the sake of His Name.
We aim to glorify God by preaching, teaching, and worshiping Jesus, while making disciples of all ages through gospel-centered discipleship, so everyone can say, “This is my church!”
We are committed to seeing more people, both here and around the world, become zealously missional disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus, with our task unfinished as long as there is One More in need of the gospel.
November 25, 2024
November 17, 2024
November 10, 2024
November 3, 2024
October 27, 2024
Living for the Sake of His Name
November 17, 2024
November 10, 2024
November 3, 2024
October 24, 2024
First and foremost, we want everyone to ask, “What would it look like to live my whole life in obedience to Christ, for the sake of His Name?” Then as Jesus answers that prayer, you do whatever He tells you to do. Talk to your spouse, family, and friends about what this commitment will look like in the next 2 years.
In addition, we believe it’s impossible to live for the sake of His Name without it impacting our financial generosity. Discipleship is more than money, but it isn’t less.
To that end our secondary request is that everyone will make a sacrificial commitment to supporting the goals of the FTSOHN initiatives financially. Follow His lead.
Finally, we want you to expect God to do great things through you and through us. As we lay our lives and finances on the table we’re confident God is going to use us to do something only He can take credit for.
Simply put, discipleship is living in obedience to Christ, for the sake of His Name. It’s the process of growing to be more like Jesus and helping others do the same. It’s about intentionally following Christ, learning His teachings, and applying them to our daily lives. At Foothill Church, we believe that every believer is called to be a disciple of Jesus who makes disciples of others.
This journey is designed to help you take practical steps toward living as a disciple of Jesus who makes disciples of Jesus. It includes opportunities for growth in prayer, serving, studying the Bible, and being in community with other believers. Over the next two years, you’ll be encouraged and challenged to deepen your faith and follow Christ more closely and inviting others to join you.
Throughout the FTSOHN discipleship journey, you’ll have access to various resources, including Bible studies, sermon series guides, prayer guides, and Biblically based classes. The church will also offer Men’s and Women’s events, workshops, and retreats focused on deepening your relationship with Christ and helping you disciple others. Our pastors, ministers, and church leaders are also available to support you in your personal journey.
We are asking for a 2-year commitment from December 2024 to December 2026.
You may have been a part of church giving initiatives in the past, during which you were asked to give a second gift “above and beyond” your usual gifts to make special initiatives like new buildings and new ministries possible.
Normally, you gave that gift to a “Building Fund” while continuing to give toward the “General Fund.” At Foothill Church, everything we do is moving toward ONE MISSION: to live as disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus – which means all of our giving goes toward that mission.
In other words, when you make a commitment, you’re simply saying, “Here is what I plan to give, by God’s grace over the next 2 years.” We’re not asking you to give and then figure out how to give toward something else.
The “FTSOHN” discipleship journey will last for two years. In those two years, every gift that is given to Foothill Church will go to the three key initiatives: Growing, Reaching and Building…for the sake of His Name.
Through the FTSOHN discipleship journey, every contribution to God through Foothill Church is a contribution to “one fund”.
Every aspect of the ministry vision God is calling us towards will be funded through FTSOHN giving. Every gift made will go into the same fund.
Therefore, every weekend becomes a day to celebrate and contribute towards what God is doing in us and through us to help us live as disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus.
Be creative as you explore ways you and your family can give. You might have stocks, property or other items of that nature. Or you may have stored resources that God has blessed you with in the past that He may be calling you to give out of during this time.
Please let us know if you need assistance with facilitating gifts of property or stock and we would be happy to help you with that. You can contact our finance ministry at give@foothill.church.
FTSOHN is about what takes priority in your life. It’s about taking part in the mission of Jesus at Foothill Church through radical, sacrificial generosity of your time, talent and treasure. We believe that God calls us to action in times of hardship just as much as He does in times of abundance and that looks different for every person. But FTSOHN is about a heart change—one that says, “Jesus, I’m yours. Use me in whatever way you desire”.
God may be calling you to make a commitment that you don’t quite know how to fulfill right now – yet you believe He will provide for you as you seek ways to sacrifice and work towards that commitment. It is not about the size of the gift, but your obedience towards what God is calling you to in this season. That doesn’t mean you go into debt in order to give. It means that as God enables you to fulfill your commitment, you will be faithful to do it.
Debt doesn’t excuse generosity. Giving is not about what God wants from you; rather, it’s about what God wants for you. It should be our joy and privilege to give at all times. Please contact us if you need assistance with this or if you need help with budgeting and we would be honored to help.
FTSOHN was crafted specifically with you in mind. It’s a “one fund” generosity initiative. To understand “one fund” see question 3, above.
If you have never given before, this is your chance to get in the game with a committed sacrifice. We really hope you will.
FTSOHN is about the vision for our church. We believe that the local church is one of the most compelling missions to give towards and we would really love for you to make Foothill Church your home and join us on the FTSOHN journey.
If you are ready, this is a perfect time for you to put a stake in the ground and make this your church.
For all finance and giving related questions, please email give@foothill.church. For all other questions, please email us at info@foothill.church.
Are you ready to take your next step in discipleship through giving for the sake of His Name?