Stewarding Money Guide – Week 1
Foothill Church   -  

This week, we want you to focus on the gospel using author Milton Vincent’s book called A Gospel Primer. The gospel is the good news of what Jesus accomplished on the cross so that we can be saved from our sin and given eternal life in Him. The gospel isn’t something we grow out of and only hold its benefit in the moment we are saved. The. God has given us the gospel as an everyday gift that holds the truth and power or life and godliness. A Gospel Primer was birthed out of Vincent’s desire to preach the gospel to himself daily and includes several sections that dive into different facets of the gospel, but we want you to hear his prose rendition of the gospel and reflect on it’s beauty and riches so it can become the foundation and motivation for growing in generosity. After you listen to the excerpt, take some time to reflect on and answer the following questions:

  • What stood out to you in this description of the gospel?
  • How has the Lord been generous to you?
  • What motivation does it give you to grow in your personal generosity?