What to Know for Tonight!

Bryan Martinez   -  

Series: Malachi – Arguing With God

Lesson – Enemies of God

Hey Parents!

The time has come for us to start our in-depth study of Malachi. Malachi is the last book in the Old Testament. It’s also a book that most people aren’t that familiar with, but they should be! Malachi is a book where the people of God actually argue with God. The people throw their arguments and accusations against God and He replies. Their arguments sound very familiar to things we hear today.

“You say you love us, but I’ve had a hard life”

“Why should we give our money?”

“Why does it matter how I think of marriage?”

“What good is serving you if wicked people live a great life?”

 Students will study the passage in their groups before they hear Bryan teach on it. His answer is simple. Tonight we look at God’s reply to the first question.”I’ve shown my love for you by hating and destroying your enemies.” What does that mean for us today and how does that point to Jesus? Can’t wait to figure it out together!

Take a look below for a sweet new sweatshirt and a great resource on Malachi!

Click here to purchase a Students sweatshirt for presale before it’s too late!

Click here for  The Bible Project’s video on Malachi


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Questions for the Ride Home

  1. Read Malachi 1:1-5

    1. How was studying the passage with your group before you heard the teaching on it? What did you get right? What confused you?
    2. Malachi chronicles 6 different arguments that God has with the people of Israel. What is the central argument in tonight’s passage?
    3. What does God use as evidence of His love for His people? What do you think of His argument?
    4. How does God’s actions toward Esau and his people show His love for Israel? What do we think of this?
    5. How does this passage relate to us today? How does God show His love for us? Who are our enemies?
    6. Where is Jesus in this passage?


March Catechism

What is the Church?

The Church is the community of believers throughout time who have been saved by the work of Jesus Christ. It is the only institution that Jesus died for and the only one that will last for eternity. The local church gathers regularly to glorify God through the preaching of God’s Word and the practice of sacraments such as baptism and communion. All Christians are called to belong to a local church.

Scripture – Ephesians 2:19-22

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

Conversation Question:

Theologians sometimes use the phrase “universal church” or “invisible church” or just “the Church” to refer to every Christian who has ever lived. Why is it important to remember that the church consists of billions of people who came before us?