What to Know for Tonight!

Bryan Martinez   -  

Series: How to Read the Bible?

Lesson – Let Scripture Interpret Scripture 

Hey Parents!

What do you do when you come across something confusing? Work through it with logic and patience? Ask ChatGPT for help? Tell it to go back in his room and leave you alone?

Well, what about the Bible? We’re in the middle of our series on how to read the Bible properly. We want to draw the meaning of Scripture out and not put our own meaning in. So what do we do with strange passages or ones that seem to conflict? That’s where tonight’s rules come in play. We want to let Scripture interpret Scripture for us. That means look to the Bible to help explain weird or contradicting parts of the Bible. We’ll use a classic example tonight. Ephesians 2 verses James 2. What saves faith or works? When we let these passages explain each other, we see the beautiful truth. See you tonight!


Take a look below for a great short article about parenting teens.

Click here for the Paul David Tripp’s article about parenting.


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Questions for the Ride Home

  1. Why do we tend to read the Bible differently / worse than any other book?
  2. Can you think of a contradiction in the Bible? How could understanding other parts of Scripture help you figure it out?
  3. What do you typically do when you come across a Bible question that confuses you?
  4. How do cross references show the unique nature of God’s Word?
  5. What does your current relationship with the Bible look like?


February Catechism

What is the Bible?

The Bible is the Word of God. It is written by man, yet divinely inspired so that every word belongs to God Himself. The Bible is not a collection of rules, stories, or heroes but one consistent story about God’s redemption for all mankind through Jesus. Because the Bible is God’s Word, it is true, necessary, and holds the ultimate authority in my life.

Scripture – Luke 24:25-27

And he said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

Conversation Question:

After His death and resurrection, Jesus met two of His followers. They didn’t recognize Jesus and didn’t know He was alive. He taught them how all the Bible pointed to Him. (Luke 24:13-27)

Try an exercise with your family: Have everyone say their favorite Bible story and try to figure out how that story points to Jesus.